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Arvind Hirlekar

So remarkable was his self-confidence that he surrendered his Certificate of Practice of Chartered Accountancy to become a full time LIC agent - a career that was not much sought after in those days and a shift that few would dare to make.

Meet Arvind Hirlekar! The man whose keen foresight, strong business acumen and the unmatched ability to make it big in the challenging world of insurance took flight in 1993. Says Hirlekar `Things were different decades ago when I took to selling insurance. With not much awareness about the importance of insurance, people mainly bought LIC policies to avail of tax benefits - a major mental block that I had to tackle’.

Aggressively progressive that he was, Hirlekar believed in the need-based-selling concept and was determined in doing away with the misconception of insurance as merely another investment avenue. He gave much emphasis on assessing the growing financial requirements of individuals and accordingly suggested policies that suited their future needs - an aspect that not many gave a thought to then. Such professional approach, his keen foresight coupled with word- of-mouth publicity helped him get referrals in volumes.

He is a Life Member of the Million Dollar Round Table (U.S.A.) and continues to be a TOP OF THE TABLE – Table 2013.

In LIC he is a Corporate Club Member since inception of the club in 2004 which is the highest honor in LIC.

Soon his wife,Medha Hirlekar joined him and she too is a proud MDRT. Today Hirlekar has an envious list of upmarket clients that include among others renowned celebrities, cricketers and the top brass of reputed institutions. Recently he has introduce the concept of "BIZWIZ" a type of Insurance to deal with specific problems in the corporate world. This concept is becoming immensely popular in the current corporate scenario.

With an ambition to top the list of TOTs , or in his words to achieve "First Class First" Hirlekar believes that his hardwork, consistent approach, enthusiasm and ethical practice will definitely help him reach his goal. Particularly emphasizing on non-rebating all Hirlekar has to say is "It is very much possible to achieve such high targets even without rebating. I have done it."